Saturday 13 December 2014

Jamwal.Who are they?

 It is really worth to discuss one of the most confusing and important topic of this era in the history of Jammu and Kashmir.If you search for "Jamwal" in the internet,all are telling a different stories and none of them are true.With such a topic for our research we took almost half of a year to evaluate what actually is the truth.
Keeping the facts and figures in place,monuments, proofs and loot of effort which reached to a conclusion.
I along with my dedicated team worked for this topic and will try to enlighten you on Who are Jamwals?

There are numerous theories around this particular segment.We did our sincere and honest efforts to come to the conclusion about the actual origin of this particular segment.Let me elaborate one by one.

1.One of the theory states that its real truth relies behind the clan they are from.Yes,My dear clan which is called as gotras.From the famous book called as "Sages from the Hindu Scriptures" shows that people from the Gotras of Brahmins are actually brahmins who are migrated to the different places of Modern India.So,this theory states that Jamwals who have all the gotras or clans as the Brahmin clans(Kashyap,Saraswat,Agastya,Bharadwaj etc) are all pure brahmins.

2.Second theory lies behind the facts and stories of modern India.From the era of Princely states of Jammu(1856-1952) when Founder of Jammu Raja Jambu Lochan ("Jammu" name  is derived from his name "Jambulochan") he came to this place along with some of his religious advisors from Kashi  and given the name as JAMWAL(Jammu wale) who are all well educated and had expertise in the different sectors.

3.One of the proof we found is that if we go to the temple in the remote areas of the Jammu called as Parmandal,there we found one of the temple which is around 200 years old and in that temple we have seen some of the stones of that period which has embedded "Jamwal Pandits" in hindi.This fact gives us the clue of the same era.

4.During our research we came to know one full community called as  JAMWAL PANDITS who are well active in this area.There are around 256 families in Jammu,50 in Punjab.30 in Himachal and 10 around Rajasthan who came to their place of Regional God and meeting every year twice.According to them,This is due to the fact that Jamwal Pandits are not well known in Jammu because now they have started putting their surname as "Sharma".Very few has their Sir name as Jamwal now which led to very few  Jamwal Pandits in the society.(

5.After visiting 23 regional places of the Jamwal meetings we found out that  During the era of Raja Jambulochan and his brother Raja Bahu Lochan he has given some of his Rajpurohits who are called as "Jamwal" some big chuks of land in the state and told them to rule as Dogra Rulers with the small city.

There is some research going on in this topic and will share all the information with you.
If you have any suggestions or any kind of doubts you can contact me on my email Id